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Semidbm - A Pure Python DBM

Published: at 06:12 PM

Semidbm is a pure python dbm. While the docs go into the specifics of how to use the dbm, I’d like to offer a more editorialized view of semidbm (the why of semidbm).

Semidbm is a pure python dbm, which is basically a key value store. Similar python modules in the standard library include gdbm, bsddb, and dumbdbm.

The first question one might ask is:

Another persistent key value store, really?

Fair question.

It all started when I was working on a project where I needed a simple key value store, accessible from python. Technically, I was using the shelve module, and it decided to use the Berkeley DB (via anydbm). So far so good. But there were a few issues:

C based DBMs and their availability

The first issue is regarding availability. Not all python installations are the same. Just because a user has python installed does not mean they necessarily have all the standard libraries installed. I just checked my python install on my Macbook, and I don’t have the bsddb module available. On my debian system I don’t have the gdbm module installed. Given that these packages are just python bindings to C based dbms, installing these packages involves:

None of these steps are that much work, but are there any alternatives?

Not all dbms perform equally

On all of my systems I have the dbm module available. This is a C based DBM that seems to available on most python installations. How fast is it? There’s a scripts/benchmark script available in the semidbm repo that can benchmark any dbm like module. Here’s the results for the dbm module:

$ scripts/benchmark -d dbm
Generating random data.
Benchmarking: <module 'dbm' from
    num_keys  : 1000000
    key_size  : 16
    value_size: 100
HASH: Out of overflow pages.  Increase page size

ERROR: exception caught when benchmarking <module 'dbm' from '/Users/jsaryer/.virtualenvs/semidbm/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/'>: cannot add item to database

Or in other words, it made it to about 450000 keys before this error was generated. So storing a large number of keys doesn’t seem possible with python’s dbm module.

Not all dbms are portable

While some dbms that aren’t available simply require compiling/installing the right packages and files, there are some dbms that just aren’t available on certain platforms (notoriously windows).

Well fortunately, there’s a fallback python module that’s guaranteed to be available on every single python installation: dumbdbm.

Unfortunately, the performance is terrible. There’s also a number of undesirable qualities:

To be fair, dumbdbm was most likely written as a last resort fallback to the more classic dbms. It’s also really old (written by Guido himself if I remember correctly).

A key value store with modest aspirations

Hopefully the goals of semidbm are becoming clearer. I just wanted a dbm that was:

  1. Portable
  2. Easily installable
  3. Reasonably performance and semantics

The first two points I felt I could achieve by simply using python, and not requiring any C libraries or C extensions.

The third point I felt I could improve by taking dumbdbm and making some minor improvements.

So that’s the background of semidbm.

Can simpler really be better?

I think so. The benchmark page has more details regarding the performance, but as a quick comparison to semidbm:

$ scripts/benchmark -d semidbm -n 10000
Generating random data.
Benchmarking: <module 'semidbm'>
    num_keys  : 10000
    key_size  : 16
    value_size: 100
fill_sequential     : time:     0.126,   micros/ops:    12.597,   ops/s:  79382.850,  MB/s:      8.782
read_hot            : time:     0.041,   micros/ops:     4.115,   ops/s: 243036.754,  MB/s:     26.886
read_sequential     : time:     0.039,   micros/ops:     3.861,   ops/s: 258973.197,  MB/s:     28.649
read_random         : time:     0.042,   micros/ops:     4.181,   ops/s: 239171.571,  MB/s:     26.459
delete_sequential   : time:     0.058,   micros/ops:     5.819,   ops/s: 171856.854,  MB/s:     19.012

$ scripts/benchmark -d dumbdbm -n 10000
Generating random data.
Benchmarking: <module 'dumbdbm'>
    num_keys  : 10000
    key_size  : 16
    value_size: 100
fill_sequential     : time:     1.824,   micros/ops:   182.400,   ops/s:   5482.447,  MB/s:      0.607
read_hot            : time:     0.165,   micros/ops:    16.543,   ops/s:  60450.332,  MB/s:      6.687
read_sequential     : time:     0.167,   micros/ops:    16.733,   ops/s:  59762.818,  MB/s:      6.611
read_random         : time:     0.175,   micros/ops:    17.505,   ops/s:  57126.529,  MB/s:      6.320
delete_sequential   : time:    99.025,   micros/ops:  9902.522,   ops/s:    100.984,  MB/s:      0.011

From the output above, writes are an order of magnitude faster (and semidbm computes and writes out a checksum for every value) and reads are almost 4 times faster. Deletion performance is much better (0.058 seconds vs. 99.025 seconds for deleting 10000 keys).

Also, every single insertion/update/deletion is immediately written out to disk so if python crashes, at worst you’d lose one key, the key that was being writen out to disk when python crashed.

Why you should use semidbm

I think if you ever need to use a pure python dbm, semidbm is a great choice. Any time you’d otherwise have to use dumbdbm, use semidbm instead.

Future plans for semidbm

There’s a number of things I’d like to investigate in the future:

For more info, check out the docs and the github repo.