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Testing the Tests

Published: at 12:12 PM

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We don’t test our tests!

Think about that for a moment. We have complicated production code. We write tests to ensure that the production code works as expected. What tests the test? Well if you have really complicated test logic, then are you really better off because you’ve written tests? Testcases are only effective if we can assume they are correct, in which case they are correctly asserting things about the system under test. If testcases are incorrect, that is, they are asserting incorrect things about the system, then the validity of the system under test is unknown, and you’re arguably worse off than before (is a test fail really a fail?).

So what’s the solution for this? Well, test the tests of course! And what if those tests are still complicated? Well, we’ll test those as well! In fact it’s tests all the way down. In order to avoid this recursion, we have to set a practical limitation to testcases: they must be simple enough to not require tests. In practice, this typically means two things:

Now, how to avoid these two things (or how to replace these two things with better alternatives) is the topic on it’s own. What I’m interested in for this post is why the trend of simple and small tests has still not made it’s way into the realm of functional testing.

If you look at any (reasonable) code base’s unittests, they’re typically not so bad. They’re short, they’re small, you can read a test and more or less understand what it’s testing. If this code base contains functional tests (and by functional tests, I basically mean any test that simulates interacting with the system in similar way to how a user would interact with the system), you’ll typically see these characteristics instead:

Why is this? Is it because functional testing is still progressing towards what unittests currently are? Is it because of a lack of consensus that functional testing should have the same characteristics of unittests? Is it because writing small tests with no conditionals is hard to do at such a high level?

My take on this is that I believe writing good functional tests is much harder than writing unittests, and because of this, best practices are typically ignored. Fortunately, I think this situation can be remedied, and in the next post, I’ll show several things you can do to achieve more succinct tests.